Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Summer success

It's definitely been a long time since my last post. My head is spinning for how much of my life has changed since then. Time is really a crazy thing isn't it.

Let's see, most obvious changes should come first... I purchased a new car (well, to me at least.) I snagged a great deal on a 2010 Hayuandai Accent. She's red, only 37,000miles and I was able to get an unlimited bumper to bumper warranty with payments below $250/month.
That is a huge deal! My biggest purchase and a very big part of growing up I think. Sure I've paid rent, cell phone bills, gas and for my food and other expenses, but a car payment?! This is a brand new territory and I couldn't be more freaked as well as proud of myself.

In addition, this summer has been quite a bit of a wake up call for me. As stated in my previous post, I have learned to stand up for myself quite a bit. I know that I deserve more from a job and an employer than I am currently recieving and although I refuse to burn any bridges in the process, I will not stand around and allow this to be my life.
I have applied to a wonderful company within my current field that I love oh so much. UCP will be my next and hopefully long adventure. I am anxiously awaiting a call for an interview, but I know that I can pull this off. Afterall I am almost over qualified with my certifications and job experience. But, even with that being said, a couple prayers couldn't hurt right?

Beyond this I have been busy getting back into school. This Fall semester I am signed up for Physical Anthropology, Introduction to Sociology, and Women in American History. ALL online! I have such mixed feelings about all of this. Firstly I am so relieved that I don't have to worry about getting to school or spending all my freetime on campus. With the possible job change which will inevitably cause a drastic schedule change, I couldn't possibly GO to school, so online is definitely a perfect alternative.
However, I am totally nervous that I will not be able to remain disciplined and self motivated, especially with the job change. But, I will succeed. That is the only attitude I am allowing myself to hold these days.

Well, I just wanted to mark the official end of my summer with a short update on my life. My goals beyond work and school this semester definitly include blogging more often as a creative outlet that I'm sure my stress levels will require, so here is my pledge to blog more.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Moving on and growing up

As you already know, these past 6 months have been a roller coaster ride of events for me. My life has been twisted and warped and has completely taken a new form. With the initial shock of a break up that I never saw coming, I have recieved an opportunity of a lifetime to learn and grow.
Recently, with the help of a new love interest, I have discovered quite a few things about myself. First and foremost: I need to stand up for myself.

This is a biggie... I definitely feel that I have been a push over most of my life and I always questioned "why is this happening to me?" Well, I know why. It's because I don't make a stand for myself. People will walk on me as long as I let them, and I am finally making that stand in my life with two steps:

Step 1: A new job
I absolutely love my job. I work with people I love as much as my own family and each day is as enjoyable as the others. With that being said, I make $9/hr and am considered administrator. My responsibilities include: meal preparation, showering/ hygiene, medication administration, cleaning and basic housekeeping, ongoing notes, safety precautions, scheduling, training of staff, leading meetings with behavioral psychologist weekly, keeping up on behavior plans including individual behavioral intervention/modification, reporting to owner and taking responsibility for any and all mistakes made by staff. All in all, my days are full and hectic, which is the main reason why I do enjoy my job. I like the responsibility and being busy. However, I am underpaid and overworked. And I am done with that. I deserve more and therefore demand more.
During my job search I have found that the average income from a non-administrator of my position is between 10 and 13 dollars an hour. I feel used and completely taken advantage of.
When I went in to warn my boss that I am in fact looking for new employment, she had the nerve to say that if I stay and get another certificate that I can be paid $10/hr, which is where I would be capped. She then tells me that I am a completely replacable employee, but that she would like to hold on to me because of the simple fact that I am flexible on the schedule. I am completely offended.
Besides being insulted further than I ever have been before, I know that she is completely misinformed. I know that there is no way that anyone will take over my responsibilites for as little as I make. I now don't even feel bad for how she will be able to handle the business once I'm gone.

Step 2: Taking my money back
During my 2 year relationship with Omega I was also taken advantage of pretty severely. It seems that at least half of our relationship he did not have a job and I supported him with transportation, a place to live and endless emotional support. Now that I am 6 months out of that relationship, I have a much more clear head on these events. When he finally saved enough to buy a motorcycle off his brother, it was me and my credit card that helped him out with buying parts and paying for labor. I have to look back at the records, but this came out to around $800 left on my credit card that I have been struggling to pay off since.
When we first broke up, there was so much going on that I simply did not want to have to fight over money or possessions. I just wanted it to be as clean and simple as humanly possible. I told him during this time not to worry about the money. However, the more I am thinking about it the more I realize that that is not fair to either of us. It is time I stand up for myself and get the money that I deserve and could desperately use. I am not doing this as revenge or out of spite because Omega hurt me, on the contrary I honestly think he can benifit from finally taking responsibility for something once in his life. When we were dating that was the one complaint that I constantly got from his family- I was an enabler. And now that we are broken up, I have continued to enable is irrisponsible and lazy nature. I refuse. That is not my place and I just want to get this over with so we can both get on with our lives. I am hoping that we can settle this without going to court, as I am willing to set up a reasonable payment plan, but I am fully prepared to bring this to small claims court.

So this is me growing up. I feel that every event, especially the negative ones can be a learning experience. I am proud to say that I am finally getting a back bone and I have no intentions of being taken advantage of again.