Friday, June 10, 2011

Moving on and growing up

As you already know, these past 6 months have been a roller coaster ride of events for me. My life has been twisted and warped and has completely taken a new form. With the initial shock of a break up that I never saw coming, I have recieved an opportunity of a lifetime to learn and grow.
Recently, with the help of a new love interest, I have discovered quite a few things about myself. First and foremost: I need to stand up for myself.

This is a biggie... I definitely feel that I have been a push over most of my life and I always questioned "why is this happening to me?" Well, I know why. It's because I don't make a stand for myself. People will walk on me as long as I let them, and I am finally making that stand in my life with two steps:

Step 1: A new job
I absolutely love my job. I work with people I love as much as my own family and each day is as enjoyable as the others. With that being said, I make $9/hr and am considered administrator. My responsibilities include: meal preparation, showering/ hygiene, medication administration, cleaning and basic housekeeping, ongoing notes, safety precautions, scheduling, training of staff, leading meetings with behavioral psychologist weekly, keeping up on behavior plans including individual behavioral intervention/modification, reporting to owner and taking responsibility for any and all mistakes made by staff. All in all, my days are full and hectic, which is the main reason why I do enjoy my job. I like the responsibility and being busy. However, I am underpaid and overworked. And I am done with that. I deserve more and therefore demand more.
During my job search I have found that the average income from a non-administrator of my position is between 10 and 13 dollars an hour. I feel used and completely taken advantage of.
When I went in to warn my boss that I am in fact looking for new employment, she had the nerve to say that if I stay and get another certificate that I can be paid $10/hr, which is where I would be capped. She then tells me that I am a completely replacable employee, but that she would like to hold on to me because of the simple fact that I am flexible on the schedule. I am completely offended.
Besides being insulted further than I ever have been before, I know that she is completely misinformed. I know that there is no way that anyone will take over my responsibilites for as little as I make. I now don't even feel bad for how she will be able to handle the business once I'm gone.

Step 2: Taking my money back
During my 2 year relationship with Omega I was also taken advantage of pretty severely. It seems that at least half of our relationship he did not have a job and I supported him with transportation, a place to live and endless emotional support. Now that I am 6 months out of that relationship, I have a much more clear head on these events. When he finally saved enough to buy a motorcycle off his brother, it was me and my credit card that helped him out with buying parts and paying for labor. I have to look back at the records, but this came out to around $800 left on my credit card that I have been struggling to pay off since.
When we first broke up, there was so much going on that I simply did not want to have to fight over money or possessions. I just wanted it to be as clean and simple as humanly possible. I told him during this time not to worry about the money. However, the more I am thinking about it the more I realize that that is not fair to either of us. It is time I stand up for myself and get the money that I deserve and could desperately use. I am not doing this as revenge or out of spite because Omega hurt me, on the contrary I honestly think he can benifit from finally taking responsibility for something once in his life. When we were dating that was the one complaint that I constantly got from his family- I was an enabler. And now that we are broken up, I have continued to enable is irrisponsible and lazy nature. I refuse. That is not my place and I just want to get this over with so we can both get on with our lives. I am hoping that we can settle this without going to court, as I am willing to set up a reasonable payment plan, but I am fully prepared to bring this to small claims court.

So this is me growing up. I feel that every event, especially the negative ones can be a learning experience. I am proud to say that I am finally getting a back bone and I have no intentions of being taken advantage of again.

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